Mercury Fallen Wiki
Mercury Fallen Wiki

Various electronic parts used in advanced construction.

Electronics is used in the following crafting recipes:

Advanced Power Supply Power Consumption × 60%
Battery Booster I Battery Capacity × 150%
Beetle Miner Vehicle capable of mining surface resources
Comm Satellite A miniature communication satellite that should help us re-establish communications with earth.
Comm Satellite Delivery Rocket A rocket designed to delivery a communications satellite into orbit.
Craft Efficiency I Double Output Chance + 10.0%
D.O.G.E. The Distance Operated Geo Explorer is a surveillance vehicle designed for remote exploration and biome scanning.
Deep Driller A hefty bot capable of mining floor ore tiles.
Heavy Servos Athletics + 4.0
Hover Explorer Improved passenger vehicle that will allow colonists to investigate points of interest on the surface.
Improved Engine Movement Speed × 150%
Improved Laser Drill Mine Speed × 125%
Improved Mining Laser Mining Speed × 125%
Improved Pump Motor Water Output × 120%
Improved Scanner Scan Time × 90%
Microchip Smarts + 2.0
Microchip Mk. II Smarts + 4.0
Neural Stim Smarts + 4.0
Power Regulator I Power Output × 120%
Resource Transport A basic resource transport vehicle. Will automatically collect resources from closest building(s), but can also be assigned to specific buildings.
Rover Passenger vehicle that will allow colonists to investigate points of interest on the surface.
Sea Turtle Transport An advanced hovering resource transport vehicle that can traverse water. Will automatically collect resources from closest building(s), but can also be assigned to specific buildings.
Transformer I Power Consumption × 80%
Wasp An improved hovering surveillance vehicle that can travel over water.
Whale Miner An advanced mining vehicle capable of traversing water.
Worker Bot A basic robot capable of mining, building and hauling.

And to construct the following structures:

Arcade Cabinet Playing a game of Soul Survivor will help reduce stress.
Clone Chamber No longer are we required to toil in the unpredictable task of normal procreation. The clone chamber allows us to create new colonists.
Data Server The data server increases the amount of research points we can store.
Elevator Connects the underground facility to the surface.
Food Processor It slices, dices and grinds. Oh my.
Geothermal Generator By tapping thermal vents, we can generate sustainable power that doesn't require fuel. Must be placed over thermal vent.
Glowing Spheres A decorative stack of illuminated balls.
Large Battery Stores electrical energy for later use.
Launch Platform Satellite delivery rockets can be launched from here.
Map Table Unlocks the ability to monitor surface operations including expeditions.
Mining Platform Placed on a surface resource to harvest sub-surface and deep resources.
O2 Generator In order to grow our population we'll need more of these. Increases colonist cap.
Reading Station Nothing like reading to get the brain juices flowing. Used to train smarts.
Resource Depot Allows access to the shipping & recieving inventories by vehicles
Resource Scanner A surveyor will use this station to scan for hidden sub-surface resources on explored planet tiles.
Robot Assembler Station for constructing robots.
Robot Recycler It slices, it dices. Recycle robots to get back construction materials. Set robots for recycle from a robots info panel.
Solar Panels Generates power from solar energy. Hot and dry biomes increase performance.
Trade Platform A place for passing space ships to stop by so you can buy and sell goods.
Treadmill Running in place for a while will help increase athletics.
Vehicle Bay Constructs vehicles to explore and exploit the planet surface.
Wind Turbine Generates power from wind. Higher elevations will increase performance.